Download DSC Signer for EPFO Portal to use Digital Signature on EPFO Portal
Download and Instal EPFO DSC Signer software for windows OS to use Digital Signature on EPFO Portal
Looking for DSC Signature for EPFO portal then download using below “Download Now” button. EPFO DSC Signer is a software that allows you to use Digital Signature Certificate on EPFO Portal and digitally sign documents for submission to the EPFO portal. This article provides a link to download EPFO DSC Signer and step-by-step guide on how to download and install DSC Signer, as well as how to use it to sign documents.
The Employee Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) is a statutory body under the Government of India that provides social security to employees. One of the services offered by EPFO is the ability to file PF transfer claims online. In order to file a PF transfer claim online, you need to digitally sign all your submitted document like bank details and PAN details and the claim form. This can be done using DSC Signer, a software that allows you to digitally sign documents on EPFO Portal.